Account List > Credit Card 8899

John D : Logout | Account List







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These links above represent a mockup Banking Back end for use with ZAP Accounting Software education and training. This layout above is overly simplified for training purposes and ease of use. Designers don't typically like simple. They like to be creative and it's often to user detriment. Please see the screen shots below of a real banking back-end and the process for obtaining this information in that system and others like it.

Transactions Download CSV

Currently our banks will not allow you to view data directly in an html data table that you can just cut and paste into a spreadsheet. This is very easy for them to do, and hopefully we will be able to encourage them to allow that in the future. Until then, you will need to download your file as an MS Excel file or a CSV file (comma separated values) file. Other separated values formats can work too.

Below is an example of what this looks like in Bank of America.

Step 1: Go to the Account Page

Step 2: Confirm you are on the Activity Tab

Step 3: Select Download Link...

Step 4: Select Corporate Txns OR individual card holder txns, or all

Step5: Select transactions by transaction period or by date range. (Date range handy for multiple months at a time!)

Step6: Select File format (MS Excel or CSV)

Step 7: Click download transactions to trigger the CSV download process

Statements - View or Download PDF

Step 1: Go to the Account Page

Step 2: Click on the Statements and Documents Tab

Step 3: Select Relevant Year

Step 4: Select Relevant Month to view or download pdf

As always, thanks for Banking with Bilbo!